When the exam was pass adi then i will very fan adi , coz my frenzs wanna do project in my house tomorrow . So sien . Coz house very messy .Haiz... malu larr !! No larr.Then again wanna to do homework adi lorr ! If exam we dun have homework do de . But also good larr no need to sit for exam . Coz I sit at front lorr ! I hate front lorr . I hope next year i no need to sit at in front lorr .
Wei , my friend fan fan di de . Coz they nth to do de lorr !!
Today , I went to Jusco . Coz my mother lorr . Wanna buy things lorr . But I think is tomorrow only go de , i can't think is today de lorr .
If my school frenz , your dun understand what I saying , then is good lorr .
Bye bye !!