I dunno y ?? today need to off light leh?? Coz to save the earth right??? But..need at 8:30 p.m until 9:30 p.m right?? need to off 1 hour leh!I know adi larr!! No need to tell me 1 !!
Haiz... today my bro frenzs come to do project !! Very noisy larr !! Screaming there..laughing there...( just like a ghost );) shhhhhhh... don't say !! Haiz..my ear wanna burst adi larr !!
Haiz..angry my MSN cant on larr !! again troubleshoot adi !! Haiz... again make my cant on9 adi lol !!! Angry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bye Bye !!
At night 8:30 until 9:30 remember off light ah !!