I am beck !! I too long time never type my blog adi lorr !!!
But, I have on9 de , I never type only marr !!
Today , i went to IOI Mall . I go to there for go the Popular . I pass by the A&W , the A&W bear say hi to me and my mother , then we kid one walk walk like never saw the bear like that !! Then we go to Popular to buy our things. But I wanna the books also dun have lo !! Then we walk by the Restaurant Asam House that time , we again saw the bear . ERHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Angry man . Then we saw the bear and a people are taking photo .Then we walk to the Jusco lorr !!
Then we go to buy somethings that we want . But walk walk walk then my mother say forget to buy somethings but that time already paying the money adi !!=).Ha ha , then my mother say never mind lorr !! Next time only buy lorr !!!
Ok , all the Exam people good luck lorr !! And me too gua !!
Then tomorrow I wanna go to Eileen house for her bufday !!
Who have go ????
Good night !!