
Yesterday, went...~~~

Yesterday morning, my father tell my mother wanna eat lunch with Amanda father. Then he never say what time. Then my mother don't care lo...Then wanna rich 12:30p.m that time my father say 12:30p.m wanna go adi ! Then my mother say:"harr..." only lo...

Then we go out adi. Then we go to eat lunch first. Then we go to a beach. Then we go to the restoran to eat ROJAK ! That thing is my father call us to eat wan. Then we eat lo.Then we go to the PANTAI MORIB there to 'blow beach wind'. Then my two brother and Andrew Ooi go to catch things. Becoz that time the water was not so high.

Then my father say wanna see the sun go down from the mountain wan. But also never see. Then we go to eat our dinner. We go to TANJUNG SEPAT to eat la.. Then we go to the beach watch there to eat. I think so last year I go to my school one day ' lu xing' wan I have go to eat before =). But I never tell my father and my mother. Then we oder things to eat. Then order adi, then they say no more adi. Then we say other thing, also no more.

Then we walk to the ' dui mian' that restoran to eat. We at there wait 30 minutes adi. Then they only give one soup first. Then we eat la. But the things very nice to eat worr. Then we eat until 9:30 p.m only go back to home.

Then we go back home need 1 hour 30 minutes one. When we rich home adi 10:30 p.m adi. Then we quickly go to bath. The first one bath is ME !!!! Then we watch TV until 1:00 pm . Then we go to sleep. But my father still playing computer. Play until I also dunno what time only he go to sleep !

ok la,
Bye Bye.
Good night.

