





















今天在學校﹐我的正組長去操步﹐副組長沒有來學校。而我呢﹖﹖就慘了咯﹗﹗因為﹐我的正組長叫我幫她收書等等。然後,在華語節時老師無端端叫我﹐我不知道為什么老師叫我。但是﹐我有出去那兒。不過﹐幸好老師叫我做小事情而已。然後,下課前﹐我的組長已經操步完了。可是﹐她還沒有回班。一直到了下課後﹐她才回來。然後放學前﹐我跟林美君又再吵架了﹗﹗她就是我跟你們講的‘ 瘋婆 ’來的。她一直跟我吵架﹐我忍不住擺了嘛﹗然後﹐坐我對面的人﹐他是很 ‘ 雞婆 ’

最後是。。。今年﹐我的班上來了1個叫林絲霓的女孩。花名是Action Action 婆。這個花名是指很驕傲的那種啦﹗她以前以為我是他的好友來的。可是﹐她並不是。一直以來我當她是我的敵人而已。好像傅麗珊一樣。我當那個Action Action婆 是敵人﹐是因為她每一天在放學是他常常跟我吵架﹗

Bye Bye ﹗  


Boring the whole day ~ ~ ~

Today morning I at 8:45 a.m. adi wake up. Then I at 9:00a.m. only go to take bath. Then I go to play computer. But... I online nobody online wan?????

Then I fled boring, so I wanna go to play Club Penguin. But that Club Penguin scan very very slow ! So I dun wan play Club Penguin adi. I go to play Kai Xin Wang !! Then Kai Xin Wang scan very very fast. So I play la...

Then in the night , my father and mother wanna go to eat dinner. But my 2 brother also wanna go out. But I dunno I can go to where?? I don think so I will go to XXX house la ! But I don wan go XXX house !! Coz very boring wan !! So now I am thinking I wanna go who's house !! So now I play computer lo !

Bye Bye !!


Wesak Day


Today, actually my father wanna go back to my hometown ------- Seremban. But... I wanna go to my friend house birthday party. So my father dun wan to go back adi. Then he go to driving range to play golf. Then I go my friend house lo.
Then I adi go to take bath and get ready adi. Then my one friend call to me. She said:" Haiz... today no need to go adi la. Becoz her ' yi zhang ' adi pass away adi. So no need to go." Then I will ask she:"really arr?" Then she say :"ya la!" Then at night I go to eat dinner with my family in ' RM 3.00 restoran ' to eat.


Today is Mother day. I just stay at home to eat our lunch. Then we eat finish adi,then we just stay at home.Then me?? I at house playing computer. Then until 6:30p.m. we go to Sunway Lagoon Club for swimming. Then until 8:00 p.m. we go to Bandar Puteri to eat dinner. Eat until 9:00 p.m. then we go to Bandar Puteri Giant to shopping. We shopping until 10:30 p.m. only go back home.


Today, in the 6:00a.m I wake up. Becoz need to go to school . So I wake up so early. Then at school, my friend very' sot'! She always also like that one! Always laugh then suddenly scole people. Like a ' feng po' like that! Then after school I go to my mother office. Then at 5:00p.m. we go back home.


Today, also wake up at 6:00 a.m., becoz today also need to go to school. Then I at 7:00a.m. only go to my school--- SJK( C ) Han Ming. When I riched there just 7:10a.m..Then my friend also like that la... erm...like very' sot' la! Then we finish classes is recess time. In the recess time we just eating and talking. Then the bell ring. Then we go back to class. Then we still studying la... So good! My two teacher never call we to study, just playing only! Then the bell ring for finish our classes! Then my mother at 1:30p.m. rich my school.Then in the car my mother told me from this month will hot until September. She say she saw in the newspaper. Then I say:"really arr?" Then she say :" ya larr..!" Oh my god ! I think will very very hot one lorr! then i go to my mother office to do home work. But.... i need to check the mandarin dictionary to do homework. But... my dictionary... was at home!zzzz how to do finish at office worrr?? So ... i need go back home to do homework! The we go back home home at 5:00p.m. Then we go to eat millwheal Ice Cafe to eat Ice.We when thr 3 times adi lo... Becoz the mill wheel Ice Cafe very nice to eat. Your can go to www.paobing.com.my to see la! thn we eat finish adi 6:00p.m. so we go back house at 6:00p.m. But my mother at 6:30p.m. only cook!
ok la,
Bye Bye!



作詞:吳克群 作曲:黃荻鈞 編曲:小安 演唱:溫嵐

現在起 用眼睛來反射 彼此電流交換速度
現在起 用舞步來證明 熱浪來襲心跳加速

別害羞 跟著我一起跳動
讓身體 找點事做
別害羞 呼吸抓緊節奏
跟著我 OH~~~

舞池裡的熱浪 你眼裡的光芒
舞步在竄動 我風靡全場
夏天裡的熱浪 冬天裡的太陽
眼神都融化 有誰能抵擋

舞池裡的熱浪 你眼裡的光芒
舞步在竄動 我風靡全場
夏天裡的熱浪 冬天裡的太陽
眼神都融化 有誰能抵擋

現在起 用溫度計倒數 舞后回歸令人炫目
現在起 溫室效應狂燒 舞池暖化呼吸急促

別害羞 跟著我一起跳動
讓身體 找點事做
別害羞 不管任何時候
跟著我 YEAH~~~

舞池裡的熱浪 你眼裡的光芒
舞步在竄動 我風靡全場
夏天裡的熱浪 冬天裡的太陽
眼神都融化 有誰能抵擋

舞池裡的熱浪 你眼裡的光芒
舞步在竄動 我風靡全場
夏天裡的熱浪 冬天裡的太陽
眼神都融化 有誰能抵擋

舞池裡的熱浪 你眼裡的光芒
舞步在竄動 我風靡全場
夏天裡的熱浪 冬天裡的太陽
眼神都融化 有誰能抵擋
HEY-YEAH~誰能抵擋 WOO~WOO 風靡全場

Cool Song !!!



Today I went to IOI Mall Popular for buy my frenz birthday present on tomorrow. I need to go to my frenz house.Then I saw the Mister Midnight ( mandarin ) one. It just ' RM11.00 only, my mum don give me to buy. She say next day only buy worr... Haiz.. I adi dunno when only can go to there adi lo..

Then we go to the Jusco Maybank to take $$$ lo.... Then we go home

Then we at home for 1 hour 30min, then my mum say go to eat. Then we go la...

then tomorrow I wanna go to my frenz hse

bye bye !


A whole day at outside

Yesterday at 3:00 p.m. I and my family go out to KLCC to see the home deco to see the things. Then we walk 6 hour and 30 min. Then we walk to the Suria KLCC for half and hour. I walk until my leg wanna ' break ' adi lo... then my father say wanna go to eat adi, then ok la...

Then we go to eat Bah Kut Teh. Then we eat for 1 hour and 30 min at there.

Then we go to Bandar Kinrara Giant for shopping. Then we go back home adi 10:30 p.m. adi.

Ok la,
Bye Bye !



Sorry ya! I just now forget to say one more place. I say again harr..

1. eat lunch
2. go to a beach
3. go to a temple
4. go to eat rojak
5. go to Pantai Morib.

Yesterday, went...~~~

Yesterday morning, my father tell my mother wanna eat lunch with Amanda father. Then he never say what time. Then my mother don't care lo...Then wanna rich 12:30p.m that time my father say 12:30p.m wanna go adi ! Then my mother say:"harr..." only lo...

Then we go out adi. Then we go to eat lunch first. Then we go to a beach. Then we go to the restoran to eat ROJAK ! That thing is my father call us to eat wan. Then we eat lo.Then we go to the PANTAI MORIB there to 'blow beach wind'. Then my two brother and Andrew Ooi go to catch things. Becoz that time the water was not so high.

Then my father say wanna see the sun go down from the mountain wan. But also never see. Then we go to eat our dinner. We go to TANJUNG SEPAT to eat la.. Then we go to the beach watch there to eat. I think so last year I go to my school one day ' lu xing' wan I have go to eat before =). But I never tell my father and my mother. Then we oder things to eat. Then order adi, then they say no more adi. Then we say other thing, also no more.

Then we walk to the ' dui mian' that restoran to eat. We at there wait 30 minutes adi. Then they only give one soup first. Then we eat la. But the things very nice to eat worr. Then we eat until 9:30 p.m only go back to home.

Then we go back home need 1 hour 30 minutes one. When we rich home adi 10:30 p.m adi. Then we quickly go to bath. The first one bath is ME !!!! Then we watch TV until 1:00 pm . Then we go to sleep. But my father still playing computer. Play until I also dunno what time only he go to sleep !

ok la,
Bye Bye.
Good night.