I am beck !! I too long time never type my blog adi lorr !!!
But, I have on9 de , I never type only marr !!
Today , i went to IOI Mall . I go to there for go the Popular . I pass by the A&W , the A&W bear say hi to me and my mother , then we kid one walk walk like never saw the bear like that !! Then we go to Popular to buy our things. But I wanna the books also dun have lo !! Then we walk by the Restaurant Asam House that time , we again saw the bear . ERHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Angry man . Then we saw the bear and a people are taking photo .Then we walk to the Jusco lorr !!
Then we go to buy somethings that we want . But walk walk walk then my mother say forget to buy somethings but that time already paying the money adi !!=).Ha ha , then my mother say never mind lorr !! Next time only buy lorr !!!
Ok , all the Exam people good luck lorr !! And me too gua !!
Then tomorrow I wanna go to Eileen house for her bufday !!
Who have go ????
Good night !!
A book ....
A book at yesterday then come out adi lorr !! That book is 消失在醒来后 Disappeared After Waking Up . But I today heaven go to buy lorr !! Coz my mum never go to Popular , so I cannot buy first !!! If who have can borrow me or not ?? But if I bought adi , then you all no need to borrow me adi !!!
ok bye bye !!
ok bye bye !!
I think yesterday too boring so I
I think yesterday wad too boring so I went to Kelana Jaya Giant to see the Lion Dance !! When we rich there they heaven start, then we slowly slowly walk . Then when we heard the drum was started then we walk until very fast !! Coz is my brother wan lorr !! Then we at there that time , my bro they all never saw we . Just Apple Goh brother saw me and my mum only . Then we kid wan see the lion dance until finish lorr !! When finish that time , my dad saw Uncle Kelvin . Then Uncle Kelvin say Eileen also have go there !! But they adi go home adi lorr !! Then my father see some thing adi then walk to eat some things there ( tea time ) .
Then at 5:00 p.m that time , we go to Sunway Lagoon Club to shower first lorr !! Then when we shower finish adi then we go to the library to sit for awile for waiting my dad !! When we come out from shower then is 6:00 p.m adi lorr !! Then open house adi start adi lorr !! Then we sit at there until 7:00 p.m only go to there worr !!
When we rich there have allot of Uncle rich there adi lorr !! Uncle Goh , Uncle Alex , Uncle Tan , Uncle Peter and allot of Uncle larr !! Then I dunno wad time the Teresa Kwok and Gobin Sing go to there larr !! It's just near by Tesco only!! Then they kid one talking talking talking at the stage there only !! Then when it finish that time, Teresa Kwok and Gobin Sing go to the stage there go give ang pao !! Then they say just 12 years old below people only can go to take !! Then my mum call me to take worr !! Then when I take adi then wanna go home that time , a auntie give a calender . There have put a Teresa Kwok at there!!
When I rich home that time , my two bro adi at home !!! Then I go to find my second bro that time , he like crying like that !! When I call he that time he never cry worr !! Then I go to give he the orange that time , then we kid one say say say then he say he wanna sleep adi !! Ok I go back to dwon stair larr !! Then at eleven something going to be twelve that time he go to dwon stairs , then I say u not wanna to sleep de meh ?? Then he say sleep sleep sleep then wake up adi worr !! DAMM ANGRY !!
Then at 5:00 p.m that time , we go to Sunway Lagoon Club to shower first lorr !! Then when we shower finish adi then we go to the library to sit for awile for waiting my dad !! When we come out from shower then is 6:00 p.m adi lorr !! Then open house adi start adi lorr !! Then we sit at there until 7:00 p.m only go to there worr !!
When we rich there have allot of Uncle rich there adi lorr !! Uncle Goh , Uncle Alex , Uncle Tan , Uncle Peter and allot of Uncle larr !! Then I dunno wad time the Teresa Kwok and Gobin Sing go to there larr !! It's just near by Tesco only!! Then they kid one talking talking talking at the stage there only !! Then when it finish that time, Teresa Kwok and Gobin Sing go to the stage there go give ang pao !! Then they say just 12 years old below people only can go to take !! Then my mum call me to take worr !! Then when I take adi then wanna go home that time , a auntie give a calender . There have put a Teresa Kwok at there!!
When I rich home that time , my two bro adi at home !!! Then I go to find my second bro that time , he like crying like that !! When I call he that time he never cry worr !! Then I go to give he the orange that time , then we kid one say say say then he say he wanna sleep adi !! Ok I go back to dwon stair larr !! Then at eleven something going to be twelve that time he go to dwon stairs , then I say u not wanna to sleep de meh ?? Then he say sleep sleep sleep then wake up adi worr !! DAMM ANGRY !!
Disappeared After Waking Up Novels
消失在醒来后 Disappeared After Waking Up
Weight: 0 kg, 480 grams
Stock: Pre-Order
Author : 许友彬
ISBN code : 983-3738-663
Veli Veli Veli Boring now xD !!
Now I really very boring !! y ? Coz nothing to do lol !! So now I wanna to type lol !! If not do apa ?? U tell me larr !!
Now etcually I'm chatting with 1 ppl de , but she neighbor kacau kacau only de !! Let me chat until half then she off9 adi lol !! very angry err !!! =( !! I 'm asking she something de then her neighbor come let me say say say then off9 adi !!
Now I really very angry erhh !!
Now etcually I'm chatting with 1 ppl de , but she neighbor kacau kacau only de !! Let me chat until half then she off9 adi lol !! very angry err !!! =( !! I 'm asking she something de then her neighbor come let me say say say then off9 adi !!
Now I really very angry erhh !!
So fast adi !!
What the, so fast adi Sunday !! Need to go back to school again !!
Today my neighbor--- Eileen house have Lion Dance !! We go to see lorr . Then is my brother( s ) 1 marr ! They have learn d . So is they all lorr !! Apple's brother also have 1! When I at up stairs my hse larr of course !! The Lion Dance haven start lorr !! But we adi go out to play for awhile marr !! Coz wanna start adi, so dun want to play so long time lorr !! Then when we Lion Dance start that time, many ppl go to see adi !! Of course I also have go to see larr, coz at my hse " tui mian " only marr !! Then at my hse " ge pi " arr !! Zheng Xin and Auntie Connie lorr, also got to to see . Then the Loin Dance finish that time, the auntie say , come come come go inside to eat !! Have satay and allot of things to eat !! Then auntie Connie ask Zheng Xin wanna eat or not ??Then she say dun wan worr !! Then auntie scole she and ask she ; U also dun want to eat then u follow me go to massage larr !! Then Zheng Xin say : ok larr I follow u larr !! But auntie say U wanna follow me , I also wanna eat wan marr !! Then Zheng Xin again say ; Ya Larr , I follow U larr !!
Haiz so sien arr now !! No body on9 !! No body chat with me ! Then tomorrow again need to go back my school ( SJKC Han Ming ) adi lorr !! DAMM SHIT !!
And then today is February the first day !!
Oh ya , my cousin sister birthday is coming , ok larr , I at here tell U H@PpY B!R+Hd@y ok ??
Then is Zheng Xin birthday right?? At number 13/02/2009 right?? I also wish U Happy Birthday larr !!
Then is Eileen birthday right?? At 28/02/2009 right ??I also wish U Happy Birthday larr !!
Bye Bye !!
Today my neighbor--- Eileen house have Lion Dance !! We go to see lorr . Then is my brother( s ) 1 marr ! They have learn d . So is they all lorr !! Apple's brother also have 1! When I at up stairs my hse larr of course !! The Lion Dance haven start lorr !! But we adi go out to play for awhile marr !! Coz wanna start adi, so dun want to play so long time lorr !! Then when we Lion Dance start that time, many ppl go to see adi !! Of course I also have go to see larr, coz at my hse " tui mian " only marr !! Then at my hse " ge pi " arr !! Zheng Xin and Auntie Connie lorr, also got to to see . Then the Loin Dance finish that time, the auntie say , come come come go inside to eat !! Have satay and allot of things to eat !! Then auntie Connie ask Zheng Xin wanna eat or not ??Then she say dun wan worr !! Then auntie scole she and ask she ; U also dun want to eat then u follow me go to massage larr !! Then Zheng Xin say : ok larr I follow u larr !! But auntie say U wanna follow me , I also wanna eat wan marr !! Then Zheng Xin again say ; Ya Larr , I follow U larr !!
Haiz so sien arr now !! No body on9 !! No body chat with me ! Then tomorrow again need to go back my school ( SJKC Han Ming ) adi lorr !! DAMM SHIT !!
And then today is February the first day !!
Oh ya , my cousin sister birthday is coming , ok larr , I at here tell U H@PpY B!R+Hd@y ok ??
Then is Zheng Xin birthday right?? At number 13/02/2009 right?? I also wish U Happy Birthday larr !!
Then is Eileen birthday right?? At 28/02/2009 right ??I also wish U Happy Birthday larr !!
Bye Bye !!
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