Haiz... today so boring!! XD !Yesterday Christmas Day but veli boring lo.Yesterday Apple Goh Mummy
( Auntie Kim / Goh ) call to me ask me wanna go to kala ok with Apple Goh and Eileen they all . But I
say dun wan lo, then Auntie say dun wan arr then ok lo, bye bye.Then I oso say ok bye bye !
Today Auntie Kim / Goh call Xuan Xuan give me a bag from she buy in Bangkok wan veli nice de leh !!
I veli like leh!!
But I dunno y 無端端 give me a present lo!! I think that time I go to somewhere buy a thing give Apple Goh
so she call her mother buy lo I just 猜 onli arr not really wan arr!!!Apple U dun wan 怪 me ok??
Thank You worr Apple Goh!!
Haiz dunno wanna write wad adi...
Oh ya , Apple Goh arr you help me to thank you for your mum
for give me a present in Bangkok ok?
Bye Bye! Please see again ( my blog ) ( http://purplenicole.blogspot.com ) ok??