Yesterday I cut my hair not so short la!! But yesterday is Chuen Wen birthday lo , the cake veli nice
to eat d leh!!
Today I go to Sunway Pyramid shopping . We go in to the Jusco to buy clothes and our things of stationery
lo. But... my 2 brothers oso have buy, but I din buy !! Coz i dun like but I saw a pants
veli nice de leh !! But I dun wan to buy !! Coz that colour is Black de lo !! Where have people Chinese New Year
wear Black colour de worr !! But really veli nice de lo !! We oso got go in the Popular , I buy the book until
RM 90.00 just work book !! Cuan larr $_$ hehe !!
When we pass by the
Faber Caster the shop then i saw all the pen veli expansive de lorr !!
Then Chuen Wen say " All this cheap cheap de larr !! " Then I say " veli expansive de larr who say veli cheap ?"
Ok , next time I again wanna go to there adi lo !! Bye Bye !!
Today i am very angry to a person is Chung Chin Mei she is my cs ok?
I very angry coz she dun reply me in the MSN dunno she is doing wad? I think she is on9
but she actually is sleeping gua!! Mei Mei u dun mind wan oh??
If u dun mind den want i go back to Seremban that time den u scole me ok??
I think u will wun mind horr?? If u reply me den i wun write your bad word lo !! But
veli sry ya coz i write your bad word !!! U can when i go back to Seremban that time then u scole me ok??
And i wanna ask u wad is chin jing blog URL?? Please tell me ok if can??
When u on9 larr !! But if u wanna scole me then need to wait until
Chinese New Year lo, coz my father say in Chinese New Year only go back to there lo!!
So sry lo xD u can't scole me worr !! I think u wun angry de horr??
If u really angry then u scole me larr!! Then next time i go back to Seremban that time then i have
xin li zhun bei ma ok??
ok i wanna off9 adi, good nite !!
I very angry coz she dun reply me in the MSN dunno she is doing wad? I think she is on9
but she actually is sleeping gua!! Mei Mei u dun mind wan oh??
If u dun mind den want i go back to Seremban that time den u scole me ok??
I think u will wun mind horr?? If u reply me den i wun write your bad word lo !! But
veli sry ya coz i write your bad word !!! U can when i go back to Seremban that time then u scole me ok??
And i wanna ask u wad is chin jing blog URL?? Please tell me ok if can??
When u on9 larr !! But if u wanna scole me then need to wait until
Chinese New Year lo, coz my father say in Chinese New Year only go back to there lo!!
So sry lo xD u can't scole me worr !! I think u wun angry de horr??
If u really angry then u scole me larr!! Then next time i go back to Seremban that time then i have
xin li zhun bei ma ok??
ok i wanna off9 adi, good nite !!
Haiz .....
Haiz , now i really veli boring leh!! Just now i see Apple blog, i read until Xuan Xuan bad news have
Xuan Xuan LAO SAI at the panties yucks want i read that time i laugh until veli funny arr. Your oso
can go to see the la!!Sorry Apple u dun mind de right? If u dun mind de den your can see lorr!
If Apple u mind de then u tell me larr, i will not call any ppl go to see de larr!! Or u oso can add a
comment in my friendster comment there i will see de larr!! ok or not sorry larr xD!!! but if really
cannot then ok lo, i will call they all dun wan go to see ok??
Bye Bye everyone
Xuan Xuan LAO SAI at the panties yucks want i read that time i laugh until veli funny arr. Your oso
can go to see the la!!Sorry Apple u dun mind de right? If u dun mind de den your can see lorr!
If Apple u mind de then u tell me larr, i will not call any ppl go to see de larr!! Or u oso can add a
comment in my friendster comment there i will see de larr!! ok or not sorry larr xD!!! but if really
cannot then ok lo, i will call they all dun wan go to see ok??
Bye Bye everyone
Tomorrow Some 1 Birhtday
Tomorrow is Chuen Wen Birthday. He is my big Brother ok??
Actually I adi ready a happy birthday card give he adi de, but he very naughty lo I ding bu sun he adi. So I think
I dun wan to give he adi lo. But also wish you happy birthday la kor kor! And I am very sorry for I dun wan to
give U that card lo! Ok adi la I again wish U Happy Birthday ok? I really veli sorry ok?
Bye Bye
Actually I adi ready a happy birthday card give he adi de, but he very naughty lo I ding bu sun he adi. So I think
I dun wan to give he adi lo. But also wish you happy birthday la kor kor! And I am very sorry for I dun wan to
give U that card lo! Ok adi la I again wish U Happy Birthday ok? I really veli sorry ok?
Bye Bye
小說裡面。你們自己去研究吧﹗﹗” 還有許友彬的一本小說55年﹐我也聽同一
Bye Bye
小說裡面。你們自己去研究吧﹗﹗” 還有許友彬的一本小說55年﹐我也聽同一
Bye Bye
So Bor!ng D@y xD
Haiz... today so boring!! XD !Yesterday Christmas Day but veli boring lo.Yesterday Apple Goh Mummy
( Auntie Kim / Goh ) call to me ask me wanna go to kala ok with Apple Goh and Eileen they all . But I
say dun wan lo, then Auntie say dun wan arr then ok lo, bye bye.Then I oso say ok bye bye !
Today Auntie Kim / Goh call Xuan Xuan give me a bag from she buy in Bangkok wan veli nice de leh !!
I veli like leh!!
But I dunno y 無端端 give me a present lo!! I think that time I go to somewhere buy a thing give Apple Goh
so she call her mother buy lo I just 猜 onli arr not really wan arr!!!Apple U dun wan 怪 me ok??
Thank You worr Apple Goh!!
Haiz dunno wanna write wad adi...
Oh ya , Apple Goh arr you help me to thank you for your mum
for give me a present in Bangkok ok?
Bye Bye! Please see again ( my blog ) ( ) ok??
( Auntie Kim / Goh ) call to me ask me wanna go to kala ok with Apple Goh and Eileen they all . But I
say dun wan lo, then Auntie say dun wan arr then ok lo, bye bye.Then I oso say ok bye bye !
Today Auntie Kim / Goh call Xuan Xuan give me a bag from she buy in Bangkok wan veli nice de leh !!
I veli like leh!!
But I dunno y 無端端 give me a present lo!! I think that time I go to somewhere buy a thing give Apple Goh
so she call her mother buy lo I just 猜 onli arr not really wan arr!!!Apple U dun wan 怪 me ok??
Thank You worr Apple Goh!!
Haiz dunno wanna write wad adi...
Oh ya , Apple Goh arr you help me to thank you for your mum
for give me a present in Bangkok ok?
Bye Bye! Please see again ( my blog ) ( ) ok??
我的大哥哥的生日在(28/12/1994 ) 呢﹗﹗然後在此祝你生日快
樂﹗﹗將來﹐新年了﹐然後﹐就到我的生日在( 27/01/1998 )在明年
的年初二呢﹗﹗我在擔心不可以過生日呢﹗﹗﹗可是﹐我媽媽說“ 我們可能會在
我的大哥哥的生日在(28/12/1994 ) 呢﹗﹗然後在此祝你生日快
樂﹗﹗將來﹐新年了﹐然後﹐就到我的生日在( 27/01/1998 )在明年
的年初二呢﹗﹗我在擔心不可以過生日呢﹗﹗﹗可是﹐我媽媽說“ 我們可能會在
Chinese New Year at ( 2007 )
Yes today is X'mas !!!
So is X'mas!! Happy Merry Christmas!! But I cant go to any where. So sienz.. I at home also nothing to do!! If not go to shopping if not then go to watch TV !! Hahaiz ...nothing to do i very sienz want leh, I tell my mum then my mum say have go to Penang de , but canceled adi lo !!! I m so be song adi lo ~!!!^_^ hehe!! Today actually today I can go to Sunway Pyramid to shopping de, but sai che and no parking then we go home !! Haiz I am so angry today!! Coz cannot shopping and give my bro make me !! And let me sai che until 30 minutes , so angry in the car!! I kid want say " Haiz sai che until so long time if after no parking then we go home ok? " Then my bro say " Coi 大吉大利 ." Then really dun have parking hahahaha !!! Then we go home , never shopping or never do something then we go home, waist the toll money!! Haiz so sienz in the holiday, hemhemhem I am crying !!
Ok, bye bye...
Oh ya , Happy Merry X'mas !! And a Happy New Year !!
Ok, bye bye...
Oh ya , Happy Merry X'mas !! And a Happy New Year !!
Some Of my things!
Haiz... Apple Goh I wanna ask u somethings ok? I wanna ask u where did u buy your Rabbit---Snowy? If u dun wan to tell me then ok larr! Haiz..I go to my mum office dun have salary d, not like Apple Goh have salary I so poor lo like that !!!Hehe^_^ now I do a blog then more things to do adi, not like now nothing to do lorr!! time again wan't to change the Comments lo!! So ma fan lo T_T !!! Haiz no salary but nevermind la, wan't I saw money then like that lo $_$ hehe !! Haiz nothing to say larr !! Yarr my brother so funny u no , justnow I never ask he can play his basketball or not , then he knew then he scole me lo!! Then he go in the house for awile then he again come out to play the basketball again lo!! Haha it's funny? No that is not funny lo!! Ok now I tell your untill now!!
Bye Bye everyone in my blog ppl
Bye Bye everyone in my blog ppl
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